Monday, November 17, 2008

Have Any Tips?

I need a better plan for staying warm this winter. I am, historically, colder than everyone else in the world. My normal body temp hovers around 96 and my blood pressure is lucky if it reaches 120/80 (I kid you not, a few months ago at the doctor's office, it was 92/60... I thought I was dying...) So, I recognize the fact that I am a cold person and I layer with my turtlenecks and my hats, gloves & scarfs. But, I am already so.bloody.cold that I'm annoyed...

I'm sitting here at my office right now with my coat on my lap, a sweater-y shirt, and two sweaters over that - and I'm still cold - (okay, my hair is still a little wet and I'm drinking a soda, but really people - it's 66 in here. I'm sitting at a desk not moving much - is 70 too much to ask for?) Yes, I realize - fiscal crisis. I understand that I'm lucky to even HAVE a good job. But... my toes are cold and it makes me whiny and unproductive.

Plus, my apartment - forced hot air from the ceiling. Who created that dumb idea? (I tried to google it quickly with no luck.) Anyway - basic science - hot air RISES. So, needless to say, my apartment - it's cold...
when I get out of the shower - cold...
when i get up in the morning - cold...
and, because i'm cheap and turn the heat down when i leave, when i get home from somewhere - cold... (i'd pretend that i'm environmentally friendly, but really, i'm just cheap...)

my parents' house - also, always cold...
DW's apartment - always cold...
the box office - well - the box office is the furnace exhaust for the theatre, so, sometimes it's really hot - which means that the A/C goes on in the dead of winter - then - i'm cold...


and i can't take it anymore... help!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey...welcome to blogger. You can see how long it has been since I checked your blog. I notice I am the first one to leave a comment. don't get discouraged, they're reading but not commenting. Poker
Bluegill and I lament about the lack of comments often but discover that people are reading. OK..I get it. Your cold. so am I. the only time I am warm in winter is when we go to Florida. It's the only solution.

Dewey said...

It seems you are already doing many things so it is hard to help.
Layers help. layer what you put on your feet. Keep your feet as dry as you can
We also keep blankets handy here and wrap up when reading or watching TV.
Some small electric heaters will warm you directly where you sit. It will add to your fuel bill, but it seems that your apartment is not set up to warm the floor.
Rugs, blankets on the floor may help.
There are some cushions that hunters use which warm quickly with body heat. The same kind of things are used to warm their hands.
An electric heat pad used to relieve muscle aches will warm specific parts.
Cover your head, even indoors. Body heat escapes up.
Throw a scarf around your neck. Generally necks are not protected from heat loss.

Put an exercise bike in the TV viewing area. Exercise will warm you up, but don't let yourself get too wet.

tixie said...

Thanks guys! Yea, I really think the key is my feet... i might get some of those foot warmers for at work or something... it's hard to wear heels and heavy socks, you know? ;-)